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Personalised training

  • 1 h
  • 350 Australian dollars
  • York Street

Service Description

Improve your business communication, leadership skills or vocal capacity - develop a strategy for your next phase of growth. Your businesses or career development will benefit from our bespoke professional and objective perspective. • Executive Professional Development • Research, planning, development and implementation of strategy • Identify and develop training needs that will support your business • Streamline corporate communications • Bullying and HR management issues

Contact Details

  • 65 York Street, Sydney NSW, Australia

    02 9261 1954


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Suite 2, Level 4

65 York Street

Sydney, 2000

©2017-21  Voice Consultants & Advocates (non legal services) ABN 83 169 183 288
Voice Lawyers Pty Ltd ABN 44 620 012 320
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

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